Sunday 15 December 2013

Technology - 27 year old mac goes online !

A engineer in the USA has adapted his 27 year old original Macintosh desktop PC so it can actually go online a job it was never expected to be able to do.This was a challenge to test if new technology and some clever coding could bring this retro piece of technology back to life. The computer has only 4mb of RAM and a 50mb hardrive which couldn't even hold a simple high resolution image in today's online society. The trend for retro products is becoming more and more popular with with new products being made in the style of old ones this makes these real old objects collectible and has a really strong market of people who are willing to pay a lot of money to own one of the original pieces.
I feel this has worked really well and could be applied to many other old products which it already has been such as using the old PlayStation controller for the new one and playing Xbox one on a old box television this is a clear trend and it influences a lot of people and the reason behind why they buy a products and for what use it will be used for.

Technology - High Tech law enforcement

The police in America are well know for their use of guns but now they are using a different approach by adopting new technology and gadgets to further their law enforcement capability. These gadgets include drones which are already used in the army and bomb disposal so its not that impressive but others such as the LRAD Sounds weapon which uses high frequency sounds waves to push people back and the focused contact lens which allows the officer to record what he sees and see closer are really futuristic and much more impressive. This is needed because as criminal are getting smarter taking advantage of technology as well such as 3D printing their own weapons the officers need to be up to date and on trend so they can combat it and be able to do their jobs efficiently.

Technology - Gold Xbox One

The trend of the Xbox one is forever getting greater with people seeing what it looks like first hand with them either seeing it in the shops or playing on a friends but the huge London Retailer Harrods has released a custom gold plated version for a huge £6000 so anyone who wants to buy it. It will appeal mainly to collectors as not many people will have one and aesthetically looks different to ant other consoles. The features of the Xbox one are exactly the same it just has a different case which in today's market is all it takes for one person to start the trend the the rest will follow. The Christmas period is especially busy and as time goes on more and more versions will come out as they have with the 360 aimed at specific games and colours with smaller companies making their money from building custom parts which avid gamer's and tech enthusiasts will spend a lot of money and purchase them.

Movies - New 2014 Godzilla trailer

This is the new teaser trailer for the remake of the iconic film Godzilla and from the trailer you can see how it has been adapted to modern day film standards. The production company is Legendary and they specialise in motion graphics and cgi and have recently worked on the man of steel film where I feel the graphics are really enhanced and clear and some of the best around. This film has the same feel and links into the trend of bringing old things back to life with modern day techniques like Marvel have with their comics turning them into the most successful films of our time. Overall, I feel the film will be successful and will keep people wanting more by the secretive nature to the trailer with the directors only showing parts of the actual beast to keep the audience wanting to see more which is a really clever marketing method.

Innovation & Lifestyle - Could this be the end of the Jumbo Jet

Air travel is always changing with many companies competing and trying to find faster easier ways to travel around.But now a new planes has emerged called the Boeing 777X and it was unveiled at the Dubai Airshow along side many of the other famous new planes such as the Airbus and has been said to be that promising in what it can deliver it may even become the 21st century equivalent of the famous 20th century iconic plane the Jumbo jet which was used by everyone of the time as it was the latest piece of engineering. The plane is said to be able to carry 405 passengers and is significantly fastest and more spacious than other model with rumors of new versions being producing featuring extending cabin space for families and business class passengers.
Overall, I feel this clearly shows the trend for new technology and how simply a plane can become a trend in itself and become a symbol worldwide which can be easily recognised in any language just as the Jumbo jet did. The aesthetics of the plane also look modern and streamline fitting the stereotypical futuristic aesthetic people assume to see while retaining its original forms which closely resembles the Jumbo jet.

Photography - 360 degree GoPro videos

This new piece if kit is really simply but effective it used a mirrored surface to capture the reflections then the camera simple records them but it has depth so it feels as if you are actually in the environment when watching the video making it great for 3D televisions. The device can also be used on a DSLR for high quality videos and images and comes in a variety of sizes for different immersive effects. I feel this design is really good because of how simple yet effective it is making it stand out from the competition. The key feature to this camera is also its ability to produce images x4 the quality of standard HD which comes in useful as its mainly being used by adventure photographers and extreme sports people also it is being used in simulations to provide a more in depth surrounding and that combined with the small and tough GoPro creates one of the ultimate image capturing devices around today.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Technology & Innovation - Copenhagen Wheel

This is a new piece of kit to help cyclists and the purpose of it is to simply replace your old wheel and store energy you create form biking to be released when you want when going up hill or need an extra boost. The product has got $2.1 million dollars of funding to help commercialise the product and get it used more. This can be related to the trend of the environment as its encouraging people to cycle in stead of use car and also allows them to create their own energy and power with out the need for a charge point and wasting money on buying batteries. The aesthetic of the product overall is really simple and clean which will appeal to most people as it fits the modern day image associated with technology.

I feel this product will be successful because of how easy it is to use because with most modern bikes now you simple click off the wheel without the need to use spanners and wrenches so this can be easily applied and swapped depending on where you are going. It will also be successful because more and more people are living active lives and the product has a lot of space on it allowing it to be customised and also could come in a variety of colours and styles to suit the different types of bikes people use.