Tuesday 10 December 2013

Cars - New Ford Mustang

This is the latest show room car which shows the new Ford Mustang one of the great american classic which featured in many iconic films and is said to be due for sale around 2015. The car itself has a 5.0 litre engine and delivers and huge 420 horse power from two 2.5 litre eco boost engines. The car also boasts a digital dash board which integrates all the latest technologies allowing you to connect your device to the car in order to get diagnostic information or simply to see the music and contacts you want storing within in the car. The aesthetics of the car are a lot different from the previous model which has always been more angulated but this is adopting the new modern day aesthetics following curves and vented bodies. Also the lights use fluorescent tubing and ultra bright LEDs so project clean and bright light as far as possible. 

I feel this car is a good car and accurately shows all the changes that are being made within the automotive industry to insure the cars are the safest and most up to date pieces of technology around. This is important as its a extremely competitive business with other famous companies creating new cars all the time so the pressure to stay ahead and produce new vehicles has never been greater.

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