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This is the yet a further advancement in the use of 3D printing and it uses cells and soft tissues created in a lab to accurately over a short time physically grow a fully functions human heart which can be used for transplants to save lives and for medical research and drugs testing. At this time its in its concept stage and they have made a few rough models and figured out how it will function and what it will look like as you can see from the image above. But top engineers and scientists have said that through advancements in technology this will be fully functioning and available within the next ten years. This is truly amazing and shows the influence of technology and how fast its developed and created which is called technology push where they are always out doing them selves and creating new products to stay ahead of the times and up to date.
The concept is so real and believed in that medical institutes around the world have invested a huge total of around $65,000,000,000 in the product and when its fully up and running its said to be able to print a heart within 24 hours saving many lives and they are even looking into a way in which the hearts can be kept beating and stored so they is no delay in waiting times.
Overall, I feel this trend is a positive one and and the whole 3D printing business is forever and growing with new possibilities and will change the way we live and from this help save many lives along the way.
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