Friday, 29 November 2013

Architecture - New Station For London

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With London forever changing and developing to cope with the high demands of 21st century life this is the latest concept for a new train station. This building it said to be laid out so that people can get around quicker and naviagte easier and combined with new high speed train lines is said to promise a very reliable and always on time service and guarantee. The overall aesthetics of the building certainly fit in to the London environment with the use of glass and wood wrapped around the old buildings not knokcing them down to give a new slash green look for the building as the metal is formed to look natural and as it its plant like by simply being draped or wrapped over the building. A good example of this is the "British Museum" and more specifically "Kings Cross Station" By John McAslan who really adopted this theme throughout his architecture work. Overall, I feel this specific style of building is really appealing and should be used by more companies and also it will be good to see how this is adapted in the advertising field in the forms of specific styles to replicate the feel and looks of the new buildings.

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