Thursday, 21 November 2013

Sports & Technology - Nike+ Fuelband SE

With technology becoming more and more involved in peoples lives the sport industry specifically Nike have released a newer version of their famous Fuel band which athletes wear and it tracks all their information as data and structures it in a graphical way so the user can see what areas they are good at and what they need to work on. For example for a runner it will tell you your speed and heart rate so once you have this information it is up to the user how they interpret it and want to use it to best aid themselves.
The product itself looks aesthetically appealing as it uses LED's to show text in the brightest and clearest way and uses rubber so it doesn't gather dirt and is waterproof to cope with all weather conditions but overall comes in a variety of colours combinations what Nike are famous for so it can stand out by contrasting but also appeal to everyone from the young to the old and from males to females so everyone likes a different one and wants it.

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