Wednesday 6 November 2013

Cars - Digital Dashes

This shows a growing trend and how technology is being incorporated into the everything even cars this image shows the interior of the American Tesla which is one of the first major electric super cars. I feel this could influence advertising greatly because the user will be able to see digital adverts on the screen as well as when we looks out of his window for example if you go through a drive through in one of these in the future if they become popular enough an ad cold wirelessly be displayed on your screen even allowing more user interaction with the interface and actually allowing you to process your order or check stock levels. This is a super car so we expect it to be aesthetically quite crazy even for an electric one which are stereotypically seen as large bulky slow vehicles that no one wants but the fact is these digital displays are started to over take the original analog displays and are being put into more and more new cars on a daily basis. 

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