The flying car concept has been around for many years staring in sci fi films this is the latest vehicle that has been produced and it actually drives and can take off. Its not the slim floating design from the films but its a step in the right direction because straight away it looks a lot more compact than previous concepts that have been made. If this concept were to take off it would change people whole view of travel and going on holiday and would influence the design and advertising field greatly. This is because a whole new road system would have to be designed so you can take off and read directional signs when your in the air. Additionally adverts will have to be designed even more simpler and bolder so it can be viewed in less time and from greater distances this would also influence where ads are positioned and how they are put together so you could have them on top of buildings to fit together to create a big image or simply single ones that can be viewed from in the air.
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Lifestyle - Do you want to live forever ?
With ever changing technology along with our hectic lifestyles and celebrities earning phenomenal amounts of money they simply don't want to age and understand they wont be around for the future advancements and potential business opportunities in the future. So the latest idea is to be cryogenically frozen and the idea isn't exactly new its been around in films for years but its now coming into reality where a celebrity can pay to be put into a unnatural state of death where they are frozen and preserved until a specific time where technology is able to support them and bring them back. Simon Cowell has already shown his interest and said he wants this to be done to himself but of course it comes at a price and wont be available for the working class everyday people anytime soon. This will influence trends and design because if a person was to be frozen and woke up hundreds of years in the future the skills and information they could learn the people of the future would be really useful and aid the growth of communication because of the greater understanding that comes from a person and they could get a understanding that a simple web page or book wouldn't give. This would keep traditional methods alive and bring up new jobs in our lifetime for the future so we effectively would never run out of work again.
Technology - Noise cancellation device
This is the latest piece of technology in the field of sound and noise cancellation and the first thing that stands out to me is the really clean and simple aesthetic which is unusual in a new product s the first product or the prototype is usually mainly focuses on the function and slimmed down after which is what all companies do for example Apple and the iPad generations but this one looks aesthetically pleasing from day one. The product sticks to the window and uses a combination of suction and magnets to stop the windows vibrating like a giant drum skin which enhances the sound so it calms the glass which in tern suppresses the noise. This is a great device in the advertising field because ads can have cleaner and crisper sounds because they can get recorder in virtually anywhere with no need for a specialist room to be hired so you could effectively do it from an office making the whole sound over the broadcast media crisper and a lot easier to hear.
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Cars & Technology - Volvo's New Wireless Charge Tech
This shows the every changing technology and how fast it changes with the electric car just starting to show its face on the automotive market and becoming more popular car companies are already adapting to set themselves away from the competition by changing the one main problem people had with the electric car the reels of cables needed to charge it. This technology is wireless so effectively your car could charge while its sitting in a parking space while you shop as it charges in under 3 hours so the battery running low could be an old problem by the time these get installed around various cities and supermarkets around the country. This can be directly linked to advertising because the companies will need a whole new sub brand for their technology because they will have to have a logo and a series of posters in the form of print media and ad campaigns on television in the form of broadcast media to draw in the new customers and make it appeal to a wider range of people that haven't drove an electric car before.
Sunday, 27 October 2013
Technology - The new iPad Air
This is the latest product in Apples ever growing range of products and combines the latest technology in a smooth slick aesthetic. Apple are always famous because of the quality of the products and the attention to detail which is shown in the aesthetic of the products which is consistent and ties all their products together. This product has been called the iPad Air and has been release along side the iPad Mini 2 which is said to be a huge improvement on the last models as it features the retina display and weights less than 0.5 kg which is 28% lighter and 20% thinner. This all adds to the experience you have and how you use the produce making it easier and more appealing. This is important because in the 21st century people are traveling and always connecting globally so a small light product is essential. The only downside I see is that people are starting to get bored of the same phone with a few different features and Apple cant be blamed because people are still buying the products but I feel they would benefit hugely from a complete redesign and maybe even attract more people that don't already use iPhone because its looks virtually no different since the 4 and needs going back to the curvy 3gs designs In advertising this trend is important because the posters always look clean and resemble their products and I feel keeping it simply and clean is the best way and a growing trend in the digital advertising community.
Friday, 25 October 2013
Education - Slang Banned In School
A school in South London recently banned slang words in students work and even in the class room. This is a growing trend and is effecting younger and younger children because they are listening to what their peers are saying and repeat it to a stage where some don't know any different and think that its the norm. This can be a major issue because in advertising the language barrier is really important so a phrase can be included in a ad globally and still be catchy and humorous to the reader and that's why some of the famous British puns don't get used because they simply wont make any sense in another language or come out in a muddled up order. So slang can be good for humour but if it were to be added to the English language I don't feel advertisers would benefit from it.
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Technology - Colourful Tech
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This is about new technology and the trend of having them in a range of bright colours which started with apples iPod's The main purpose for these aesthetics is to appeal to a wider audience because each person will have a colour they prefer making it more personal to them. This also allows the company to produce a wider range later on by adding new colours and special additions which are always more popular because people want something others don't have or fewer people have. In terms of advertising this is a positive trend because it allows the creative to be more experimental and produce a range of posters that will grab the public's attention in the short time of 3.5 seconds which they have. Colour, scale and positioning is how this is done and with the right font and imagery an ad can become extremely successful.
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Money - Worlds First Trillionaire
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Recently a man in the US who had a basic job at a restaurant checked his bank balance on his phone and to his shock he had $4,040,404,040,404.04 in his balance. This was a computer glitch and the correct balance was displayed after that giving him the title of worlds quickest trillionaire. I feel this is a good example of how thins still go wrong within companies even importan ones like banks which we dont expect it to happen to. The technology is forever growing and adapting and these glitches are a harsh reminder that no matter how advanced we think we are we are still learning and at the beginning of our potential. This can influence ads greatly because if a technical glitch happens and your ad doesn't get played it will obviously not get seen by as many people thats why traditional print methods are always good for back ups and because traditional crafted aesthetics are becoming more and more appealing especially within the UK.
Monday, 21 October 2013
Food - Tesco BOGOF Wasting Food
Its hard to believe how so many people go hungry in the UK alone when you hear a story like this. The latest information has revealed the Tesco "Buy one get one free" offers are put in place purely to waste/ get rid of food. This has come to light after tesco said 40% of their fresh food and salads are thrown away every night. I feel this is due to competition with other supermarkets and the trend of online shopping and comparison sites because to compete with the other stores such as Asda, Tesco are having to bring more and more stock in so they can provide the most appealing deals. It was reported that in the last six months around 28,500 tonnes of wasted food came from tesco alone. If food waste can be managed and dealt with it will give the economy a huge boost because the big brands wont have to order so much therefore the prices of importing goods will come down and we would hopefully see a fall in prices espeacially with the newest trend of Urban Farming which I mentioned in a previous post and the appeal of people growing their own food and relying on the supermarkets for the bare essentials such a toiletries and items they cant grow such as exotic fruits and vegetables.
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Innovation - The power of LEDs
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This posts is talking about how energy companies are trying to decommission the old style light bulb which uses a heated element in a sealed glass dome which doesn't make the most of space we are familiar with LED's from various toys and gadgets we have all owned but now they are incorporating them into bulbs. This comes from the huge energy benefits that come from them that has been found to be true by the use of them in televisions. The led will last 10 times longer than the average bulb wont short out if there is a power cut or power surge and it a lot brighter and smaller and more compact to fit into the small modern day homes we live in today. These positive points aid the products in becoming more and more appealing because as they are now beginning to be introduced into retail stores if more people know the benefits and hows they are again coming onto the same trend more green they will buy them to save the planet and benefit from them themselves by reducing their energy bills further reducing their carbon footprint. These are uses in advertising on large scale displays because they are visible in sunlight are can create a lot brighter and more crisp images than traditional projection methods making ads more and more appealing and because LED's work on a grid they can be made on a huge scale. The only disadvantage to this technology is that they are extremely clear far away but up close they are just dots of light no matter now many LED's they use that's what should be considered when designing an ad more a led display even if you have the majority of them in a company colour then close up it can still be relevant to the ad they saw far away.
Saturday, 19 October 2013
Lifestyle - New Coke Ad

Image source - My Photograph (Ad in Manchester)
This is a new type of advertising by coke which a lot of other companies are adopting and its incorporating the use of apps and smartphone technology. The apps you use is called Blippar and the user has to use their camera and simply focus on the post and it uses set points of recognition within the design to open a website give you a message and many other options are available. I feel this is a good way to engage the user and make them interact with it more and also it can reveal more information that otherwise might not be able to be viewed on the poster due to lack of space. It also generates traffic for the website and networks the whole company as a brand and makes the most of social media and keeping on trend with a wide range of audiences from old to young. Finally, i feel it allows the poster to look a lot cleaner aesthetically and grab the passers by attention a lot quicker.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Technology - The new space race
There is now a space race going on between several countries the aim is to develop the technology that will allow everyday people to take a trip into space. There a several different designs such as the Virgin Galactic but one of the most recent and unusual ones is called the Grass Hopper and this is a rocket with four legs that its standing on then it blasts off from the ground with little after burn and debris from the thrusters reaches its Maximum altitude then simple comes back down and lands on its feet. This not only shows the huge advancements that are happening in technology but how this will influence everything around us from Architecture right through to cars like the first space race it will start a trend and products will start look more space like and sci fi based. An old example of this is Eames Eiffel chair which draw most of its design from the french surounds such as the Eiffel Tower but its been brought up many times when looking at the chrome support under the chiar it looks almost exactly the same as the moon lander. I feel this is how it will affect the market today and new trends and common styles will become apparent and very important in every field of design not just advertising to the way we think and create things for what the user will want.
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Architecture - Finger Print Building Thailand
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This piece of architecture is truly amazing and really stands out as there is nothing like it around it uses modern methods of manufacture to create a aesthetically pleasing building. There isn't a lot of information about why it was built like this but I feel it makes the most of futuristic ideas and fits into modern day society. Finally, the building also features a roof designs to allow water to flow out and not gather on the roof making the building efficient and safe for people to work in.
Innovation - Urban Farming
There is a new trend coming to most cities around the world and its urban farming and the purpose it to be able to get fresh produce no matter where you live and also help the environment by planting more plants whenever you can. I feel this trend will influence advertising greatly because in order to advert here you cant have huge metal signs it wouldn't fit in with the aesthetic of the product instead a greener for sustainable method will have to be adopted. This can be done many different ways firstly, by simply using recycled papers and card but it can go much further than that by using organic materials and changing the process completely so its green from start to finish. The view from above shows splashes of green throughout the city and this small step takes us closer to a greener plantet with traditional methods of graphics they are printed onto concrete, metal or some form of paper but with the new method the graphics would have to be adapted so when printed on a new material the colours still matches and are readable.
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Photography - Build your own Camera !
You can now build your on SLR camera for around £25 this camera allows you to take Lomographic shots the term Lomography is a trademark and comes from a group of people who use vintage style camera which originated from russia and try to achieve the best quality of photo with them. The camera was made by an injection moulding machine and you simply snap the parts off the plastic sprue and assembled following the instructions.
I like this method because it allows you to interact more with the product and also gives you the freedom to be able to customise it and less costly if you happen to damage it. The packaging of the product is clean and crisp and the aesthetics give off a sense being ecological by using simple screen prints onto card and they could even make it 100% green by using recyclable plastics and show that logo off on the box to help draw users in. This specific trend of making things yourself is getting bigger and bigger which all the flatpack furniture you get these days from shops like Ikea, Argos and even Tesco. You could incorporate this in an ad by giving a small pull out free so the view can make something to view the ad then it reveal more information in 3D through a small build able lens for example. So overall, i feel this affects the market positively and have great potential to grow and be developed.
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Transport - Tube of the future ?
This image shows a concept for a new London underground tube train and this design is said to have made 30% more space which is good for commuters and also has air conditioning. I think the overall design of the tube is aesthetically pleasing as it looks modern and like it belongs in the 21st century unlike the tube trains of today. This is also said to be more energy efficient which ties into the whole green trend and companies planning to become more economical and save the planet which can only be a good thing. In advertising terms its a fresh slate the ads that are currently on the tube will most likely have to be changed because this is a different shape so they will have to change to suit the new size and positioning because in this one it may be that the ads have to be smaller and higher up so an ad would have to be designed to grab the attention faster maybe through the use of bold colours or simple type based ads. Looking at the train you can see the similarities between the new on and old design making sure even though they are modernising the train it retains its well known aesthetic as a icon sight within and around london.
Saturday, 12 October 2013
Technology - LG Flexible Phone & Samsung Curved screen !
The ever changing technology has reached a new level today with two major technology companies revealing concepts for some of their future products which they say will definitely come into production soon. The first image is a new phone made by Samsung and it features a curved screen not the traditional edge to edge display but the screen is actually curved which is something that has never been tried before in mobile phones. There are some concepts for computer monitors that have curved screens but never on a phone this affects advertising greatly because now you have to think in even more dimensions when designing an ad you originally had 2D then it got adapted to 3D now you have curves and you need to think about how your ad will be viewed because a curve will distort the image so a separate type of ad with have to be created to ensure the typography and imagery is readable.
The second image is a completely new method of manufacture because they are making a screen so it is flexible and can physically be changed by the user applying force. This means the user with be able to interact with the product on a whole new level and advertisements will become more detailed because the user will be able to look at them closer and bring up parts digitally which don't originally have to e displayed so it will also save space in comparison to traditional print ads and information which get printed onto the thick chunky frames when you buy a TV. Overall, I feel the whole field of advertising is changing and one way to keep up to date and take advantage of it is to follow the trends and always try to adapt your work into these new visual methods of displaying them.
Friday, 11 October 2013
Technology - VW’S Augmented - Reality App
This app really makes the most of the latest technology by using Augmented reality which is where you use the real world for example recording a video from a camera and combining it with digital graphic so through the device it appears as if the digital aspect is real and in the real world environment. This could become a new trend in advertising because it gives you limitless space and potential because the advert doesn't have to physically be there you can create it as big as you want and apply to it virtually anything you want. It could also make the whole experience of seeing an ad more personal as you could design and target it to interact with the user digitally. So overall, I feel this is a step in the right direct and even combined with some more traditional methods of advertising it could become really popular.
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Television - BBC Fakes Animal Shot
The BBC has been found out a former camera man unintentionally leaked that they have been recreating sets and filming wildlife in captivity during an interview. This is a big thing because they have many well known TV shows for example The Frozen Planet which was also involved the shots were thought to have been in the wild which some were but apparently not all of them they have said "any animal smaller than a baby rabbit was filmed under controlled conditions" and that any harder to get footage for example the polar bear birth was created to make look as if it was in the wild but was actually just a set in a zoo.
This also shows that no matter how advanced technology is becoming we simply cannot expect to be able to capture everything on camera. So they are forced to go back to basics and create a scene the old fashioned way this makes it a good example of a contrasts by a well known brand such as the BBC and how they use brand new technology long side older methods. Another point that was brought up was how many other shows has this been done on shows that we think are showing us nature the camera man also said "we've been doing it for years" making everyone question even further the message the BBC are trying to put across not only through their shows but through their brand.
Social Media - Most Instagrammed place in the World
Social media is now one of the main parts of many peoples lives and this is the place that is being included the most in peoples Instagram pictures and its the Siam Paragon in Bangkok. This trend is happening all around the world with places such as London and Paris contending for first place with many people photographing themselves next to famous landmarks and iconic buildings which can also be linked into the trend of the "Selfie" and people being obsessed with taking photos of themselves and using twitter and hash tags to share their Selfie and start a trend online. This type of recognition also promotes a place without the place having to pay for any advertisements or broadcasts it people are doing their work for them which could be seen as a negative towards the world of advertising and how a place is promoted.
Monday, 7 October 2013
Food & Drink - The new Guinness Ad
This is another great Ad from Guinness It uses what would be thought of as a negative point with someone being in a wheelchair and shows how it can be turned positive through what the ad is about which is dedication, friendship and loyalty. Guinness has always had great ads for example the evolutionary one where you see where we come from and this trend of great ads keep us entertained and also liking the brand because even if you don't like Guinness you still recognise it from their advertising not only on TV but on posters and billboards as well. Their slogans and tagline lines are really clever and catchy they incorporate social media in their campaign by adding hashtags to the ends of video for example this says "#madeofmore" which shows how they keep on trend and onto of the market using media which they know will be being used by the majority of people and will help them network their brand to make it expand and grow so young people and older people can enjoy it in whatever format they prefer for example a teenager might enjoy the clever Twitter hashtags where as a older person might enjoy reading their ad in a paper or both.
" The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
Lifestyle - Gromit Auction
This image shows the various Gromit statues that have recently been auctioned off and sold for £2.3 Million to raise money for bristol hospital. The statues are all individual and unique this is because they have been done in various styles to best represent the artists thats doing them. I feel this is important as a trend because its taking a well known brand and iconic character from the series and films "Wallace & Gromit" and using them for another cause. This is not only a positive way to promote something its a clever way of advertising as well because this character will appealing to a wide age group so if people dont care about the auction they will still watch to see the different variations of one of their favourite characters so in a way its drawing you in to see what these are, which is your favourite and how they were made. I think this is good because its also bringing an old character back to life in such a modern and different way and this method could be adapted and applied to various other retro characters to ensure they never get forgotten and the brand keeps on going.
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Innovation - Interactive homes
This is the latest concept for the modern day home and it is said to use the latest technology of the time to completely change the way we see and use our homes. Some of the main features are the way it uses energy it is said to be 100% self sufficient and be able to create its own power from solar and wind generators which we already use today. Another way is the materials it uses it uses high tech lightweight materials minimising the cost of housing and build time and also it is completely digital with lights and screen all around telling you how much you have used and what you need more over and it has even been suggested it will be able to use drones to get supplies for you if you cant get out.
There are many suggestions what the homes of the future will be like but I feel this is a step in the right direction and stands out in comparison to others because its believable and also features one of the key things it will need and that's the ability to go green and be sustainable which is one of the most important things in today's society.
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Cars - Audi e-tron Technology
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The new Audi Ads are really trending at the minute with their clever slogans and visual metaphors not to mention its huge role in the new Iron man 3 movie. I feel this is a huge step in the right direction for Audi as they are mostly known for their large engine luxury cars and sporty hatchbacks. Following the ever growing trend of the environment and trying to go green where ever we can Audi are showing they are doing everything they can to keep their products up to date and on trend with what we want. I feel this is great idea and is also saying that electric powered cars don't have to be small slow go kart like cars which is the common stereotype from the many traditional petrol heads. With more and more companies adopting this new way of manufacturing cars it truly reflects the digital age with live in today and can be took so far with the introduction of interactive apps and smart materials which makes the whole driving experience more enjoyable and with Audi adopting this so early on I feel there is a bright future ahead for them in their ads and products.
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Lifestyle - A smart water bottle ?
Another great example of how people are making the most of smart phones and the whole technology of creating your own app. I feel these types of products are really useful not only does the aesthetic of the product look clean and modern but the anthropometrics and the ergonomics of the bottle are too, the way the materials have been considered to aid grip and the size so it fits comfortably in the hand of many different users. This can be brought into advertising because if you wanted to brand a bottle like this you would have to consider how it will look on rubber, plastic and metal and find a way to apply the logo to all of these materials and retain the same aesthetic of the company brand. The digital side can also be expanded more by adding interactive systems such as QR codes on the bottle so it brings the experience to life and makes the user enjoy using the product. As far as the data goes I feel the whole market of putting personal data in charts and tallies is great because it allows the user to keep all their data which they otherwise may never remember and interact with it on a personal level so a bright engaging design for the app would be essential within the success of this product.
Social Media - Money for your name
The People using Twitter and various other social media sites is forever growing and this post is talking about how everyday people are being offered a lot of money by celebrities and big companies simply for their username. With twitter being a relatively new social media site compared to Facebook the problem is most celebrities are only joining now its becoming more popular which leaves the problem that everyday people that were using it from day one already have taken their name either on purpose for a fan page or simply because they have the same name as a celebrity. But the celebrity image wont simply allow them to add a 1 at the end of their name because that would be seem as second best and on their personal sites and branding wouldn't look as professional so instead they have turned to trying to payout the user some have reported to have been offered as much as $25,000 for their name. I feel this is just another sign of how the internet is becoming more influential and how the celebrity lifestyle is becoming more and more desired with young children using social sites and following their favourite celebrity from a young age.
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Drink - Coca Cola going Green
Brands and how they are changing like McDonald's Coca Cola are also adopting an Eco friendly aesthetic and mind set to how they are designing their products and how the brand comes across to the consumer. As a way of targeting a wider audience using a key word such as "Grey" and translating it into multiple languages gives it an international appeal and also is a positive contrast because the color grey is associated with cities and concrete which is industrial and man made and by Coca Cola adding green within the grey surroundings it really emphasizes the importance of the environment and nature and how there company is going green to help contribute to this.