Sunday 6 October 2013

Innovation - Interactive homes

This is the latest concept for the modern day home and it is said to use the latest technology of the time to completely change the way we see and use our homes. Some of the main features are the way it uses energy it is said to be 100% self sufficient and be able to create its own power from solar and wind generators which we already use today. Another way is the materials it uses it uses high tech lightweight materials minimising the cost of housing and build time and also it is completely digital with lights and screen all around telling you how much you have used and what you need more over and it has even been suggested it will be able to use drones to get supplies for you if you cant get out.
There are many suggestions what the homes of the future will be like but I feel this is a step in the right direction and stands out in comparison to others because its believable and also features one of the key things it will need and that's the ability to go green and be sustainable which is one of the most important things in today's society.

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