There is a new trend coming to most cities around the world and its urban farming and the purpose it to be able to get fresh produce no matter where you live and also help the environment by planting more plants whenever you can. I feel this trend will influence advertising greatly because in order to advert here you cant have huge metal signs it wouldn't fit in with the aesthetic of the product instead a greener for sustainable method will have to be adopted. This can be done many different ways firstly, by simply using recycled papers and card but it can go much further than that by using organic materials and changing the process completely so its green from start to finish. The view from above shows splashes of green throughout the city and this small step takes us closer to a greener plantet with traditional methods of graphics they are printed onto concrete, metal or some form of paper but with the new method the graphics would have to be adapted so when printed on a new material the colours still matches and are readable.
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