The BBC has been found out a former camera man unintentionally leaked that they have been recreating sets and filming wildlife in captivity during an interview. This is a big thing because they have many well known TV shows for example The Frozen Planet which was also involved the shots were thought to have been in the wild which some were but apparently not all of them they have said "any animal smaller than a baby rabbit was filmed under controlled conditions" and that any harder to get footage for example the polar bear birth was created to make look as if it was in the wild but was actually just a set in a zoo.
This also shows that no matter how advanced technology is becoming we simply cannot expect to be able to capture everything on camera. So they are forced to go back to basics and create a scene the old fashioned way this makes it a good example of a contrasts by a well known brand such as the BBC and how they use brand new technology long side older methods. Another point that was brought up was how many other shows has this been done on shows that we think are showing us nature the camera man also said "we've been doing it for years" making everyone question even further the message the BBC are trying to put across not only through their shows but through their brand.
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